Aside from discovering that I am lactose intolerant, I have also discovered I have an intolerance for products with gluten in them (wheat, barley, rye). My symptoms where becoming more aggressive, so I've just started cutting bread-products out. What's funny is that one of my friends mentioned that we often crave what we're allergic to - and I can definitely say that I almost always craved pasta and bread. But who knows the validity of that?
Hudson has been such a champ putting up with my lamenting the past few weeks - cake balls, french bread, chocolate chip cookies, muffins, pastries - no more for me. He's started trying gluten free products with me...and I even managed to find some good (but expensive) all-purpose flour that has no gluten. I celebrated by making my first gluten-free oatmeal raisin cookies. They tasted normal too! I've heard that some people cut out gluten just because it's supposedly healthier - but I don't know why they'd go to all the hassle. It's not easy changing your diet in such a dramatic way. But at least I can eat rice.
Saturday evening Hudson took me out to a delicious restaurant called Ruggles Green. When possible, they use organic products, and we came to discover that almost all of their meals where gluten-free! We enjoyed a delicious chicken pizza. The waiters were very conversational, and our meal together only cost about $16 - and that included drinks! If you're in Houston, make the trip, it's worth it.