Friday, June 25, 2010

I'm suprised I didn't crash.

The storm was silent and brilliant. Driving down Beamer from Frankie Carter Randolph Park, I was fronted with a dazzling lightning show. I think what makes Texas sunsets and skies so beautiful is that the land is so flat, you can see more of the expanse above. And I can assure you, this storm would not have been the same any where else but Houston, TX. I was in the right place at the right time. My first thought was that I felt like I was thrown into Disney's Fantasia (which forever has been a secret fantasy for me). I turned my radio station to the classical music station, which enhanced my Disney dream into perfection, and prayed that my drive down Beamer would never end. The storm didn't make any noise, but the lightning still quivered and rumbled before shooting a silvery streak into the somber sky. It was an exciting display of God's terrifying beauty. I wish you could have been there. I recorded a short video clip on my cell phone, but I'm afraid it does so little justice to the actual event, that I'd rather just leave you to your imagination.

What a great night.


  1. Love it. Because I'm on the east side of pikes peak, the sun sets a little earlier but the light still reflects off the clouds. It will be almost dark and there will be grey defined almost glowing clouds to a dark blue backdrop. It's hard to explain, but it's a unique beauty.
