Tuesday, November 2, 2010

I Remember You...

This morning it was dark and rainy, and after driving with Neutral Milk Hotel playing through my speakers, I got to work feeling like I had had a good conversation with an old friend. I long for familiarity in my life. Familiar things like the sherbet orange gecko who, without fail, greets me by the front door when I come home at night. Or Sunday morning coupon-cutting dates with Hudson at the nearest waffle-house. Consistency keeps us sane in an ever-morphing world. Just think about how much people still talk about weather. The seasons are the same, and they always come, but if the weather falls out of it's typical rhythm, we are quick to complain - we have certain expectations, you know.

The reason I bring this up is because I hope you can find peace in those little consistencies. That gecko at my door really does make me smile every night - what simple things bring you back to reality? I think we were designed this way - to find great joy and comfort in something we've seen or felt before. It creates a pattern in our otherwise chaotic lives - little anchor points that remind us another day has been completed.